You get the idea: its complicated not comfortable.

the downside is that g++ will report errors using the linux paths in the xterm, so you cannot double click on an error message an get to the corresponding filename and line.though you can start an xterm for g++ and have g++ reports its messages to the xterm.' inside a cmd inside wine has no proper terminal to report errors to you though you can convert wine paths to linux paths via the winepath -u command.started this way, g++ wants linux paths and NppExec through its variables will provide only windows paths (whatever wine has set up as drives like Z:\home\username\src\hello.cpp).Though you can start linux program inside cmd inside wine using start /unix.That does not work! (At least not so easy.).that is your CreatProcess() failed with error code 2, it means: you are trying to execute a linux program inside wine.starting g++ directly inside cmd is an error due to g++ being a linux binary and not a windows binary.NppExec can only do, what a cmd inside wine can do.notepad++ inside wine under linux is still a windows program.

The problems with Notepad++ inside wine and g++ outside wine (from the linux install ) are this: